Michael Monnerie wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 26. April 2006 22:51 Matt Kettler wrote:
>> That said, you pretty much have to do this for your outbound
>> mailservers because several LARGE ISPs will not accept mail from
>> hosts with no RDNS. This includes AOL and Comcast off the top of my
>> head. If you want to be able to email users at those sites, you need
>> RDNS.
> Just today there was somebody on the postfix list saying he had to turn 
> off that checks because Intel uses some boxes without PTR records. So 
> it depends on your specific situation if you can turn on or off that 
> check.
> I use those checks, and if some bloody admins don't have PTR for their 
> servers, it's their problem. YMMV, and if your boss pisses on your 
> shoes, you probably will turn off this check.
> That said: Do as you prefer, but keep in mind it's not 100% safe.

I do agree.. it's not 100% safe.. However, it is also not safe to have a
server with no RDNS, because many won't take your mail..

I think it will take a while until there are few enough misconfigured
servers that this becomes safe enough to be the norm. However, I suspect
it will become the norm in a few years.

  • Re: scores Matt Kettler

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