On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 09:58:40AM -0400, Matt Kettler wrote:
> Ronald I. Nutter wrote:
> > I have added most of the rule sets from rulesemporium.com as well as
> > adding several of my own.   I update the rules from sare about once a
> > month.  
> You mentioned having most of the rulesemporium.com rulesets. Do you have
> Doc's 70_sare_stocks.cf? That's the one that will most help with this
> specific kind of spam.

Matt, how would I install these rulesets? Just wget them in the
/etc/mail/spamassassin directory? Eg 

cd /etc/mail/spamassassin; wget

is that right?

Or should I use rules_du_jour script? 


> > I am on perl 5.8.  I have the files downloaded for the latest
> > SA.  Once I can get the students sent home for the summer, I should be
> > able to get the upgraded done to the latest SA.
> >   
> Excellent, the upgrade will help considerably. Be sure to read the
> UPGRADE file in the tarball. It will explain most of the changes to the
> config files. (A few options have been changed to be more flexible.. ie:
> rewrite_subject and subject_tag have been replaced by the more general
> rewrite_header.)

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