Dan wrote:
>>> 1) Is capturing header output text the best way to implement DCC in SA?
>> No, using the DCC plugin that already comes with SA is the best way.
>> Edit your v310.pre and load the dcc plugin. SA already has pre-scored
>> and tested rules built in. No further work needed.
> Excellent Matt.  Is there a way to process the various DCC outputs
> with this architecture?  Searching the "factory" configuration, this
> entry seems to handle scoring?:
>     ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC
>     score DCC_CHECK 0 1.37 0 2.17
>     endif # Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC
> This looks a bit inflexible, can the plugin do more than take a single
> DCC score and assign 3 weights to the output? 

No.. at this time the DCC plugin is either hit, or not. You can adjust
the fuzz threshold with the dcc_*_max options. See the plugin docs at:


All that said, I can't see why you'd want to do anything else with DCC.
The FP rate on DCC, even with the defaults of |999999 for fuzz counts,
is significant. In the SA 3.1.0 set3 mass-checks, DCC_CHECK had a S/O
of| 0.979, meaning that 2.1% of email matched by it was nonspam.

|I can't see how any lower fuzz values would be of any use, as they
should, theoretically, have lower S/O's, and would only be worth small
fractions of a point.


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