Meta's allow  >  operators for  +  sets, such as:

        meta TEST_2 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR > 1)

But when stacked into a progressive array:

        meta TEST_2 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR > 1)
        meta TEST_3 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR > 2)
        meta TEST_4 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR > 3)

...smaller hits also hit with larger hits, greater than 3 also triggers greater than 2:


I've tried replacing the  >  with  =

        meta TEST_2 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR = 2)
        meta TEST_3 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR = 3)
        meta TEST_4 (__TEST_PP + __TEST_QQ + __TEST_RR = 4)

...but all I get are errors:

        [4524] warn: _(Missing operator before  3?)

Is there a way for each array member to equate to a specific number of hits? In the last example, the results would look like:



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