>For the last week, I feel like I should receive a paycheck from Geocities!
>All I've been doing is submitting damn redirect web pages. I even did some
>testing and found some sites listed in NANAS as far back as 5 days that were
>still active. 
>The source code for these pages use at most 3-4 different techniques. Not
>very hard to filter for on new pages. Hell, I think 100% of the redirected
>URLs were listed in URIBL black!! Every freaking morning I see more
>geocities redirects. Whatever they are doing, could be a lot better. 
>Checking on ones from Sunday, I see they are still running, even after being
>reported. At this rate, the geocities redirect are lasting longer then new
>Chris Santerre
>SysAdmin and SARE/URIBL ninja

        Even worse, they will close a site, then another site with exactly
identical content will appear (probably created at the same time).  To create
their own blacklist of already nuke'd sites seem pretty trivial.  And also
the use of Yahoo! sites for hosting spammer images, where the directories
under the root remain constant seems another easy case to have wiped out,
but they haven't.  In their favor, it seems that Yahoo! is now the second
largest source of child pornography in the world, down from #1 because so
many of the sites are now hosted on zombies (but often advertised via sites
on Geocities that redirect to them).

        For an organization that supposedly can index the entire world's web
sites and cross-reference them to giant databases, either they don't look
inward very much or this is not a very high priority for them.

        And, if only it were just Leo, but many other spammers use these
technique now - there are even programs for sale that automate the creation
of Geocities sites and Yahoo! maildrops (and amazingly, some of these even
use Yahoo! email accounts for the contact point - so these guys aren't even
slightly trying to keep up, or worse they don't know how, but still ignore
abuse complaints which tell them about these things).

        Paul Shupak

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