nicolas aulas wrote:
Any idea what's wrong ? Thanks in advance for your help.

Going on that try removing dns availible.

Also try and re-install / upgrade Net::DNS perl module.

Have you updated perl recentely?


After upgrade Net::DNS to 0.57, I got exactly the same error log

[1353] warn: dns: sendto() failed:  at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 340.

BUT SA up to "only" 55% cpu and after 1-2 seconds, mail is scanned correctly
... End of my freeze problem ?

I still don't know why this mail is problematic... Is there any suplementary
tests to do ? Somebody can test it ?



I'd also try updating perl.

How long is it taknig to scan the mail? I'm guessing it could be a DNS issue.

Try running a local DNS server to see if that helps.

do spamassassin -D < test-message.msg

and see what that returns. Where does it hang etc...

Also look at:


Also: make sure you reply to the list ;)

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