On Monday, May 22, 2006 7:24 PM +0200 Michael Monnerie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Or the full line could be:
uri      ZMIgeocitiesGOOD m{(?:www|uk)\.geocities\.com}
describe ZMIgeocitiesGOOD probably good geocities site
score    ZMIgeocitiesGOOD -1.2

or whatever score you want to give them.

Does a uri rule count once per instance or for all matching uris? If, for instance, I have that rule and one matching *all* subdomains with a +1.2, does a spammer just have to insert a "good" uri to nullify the score for the bad one?

Alternatively, is there regex syntax to match all patterns *except* the one given? Can I somehow express "all geocities.com subdomains except www and uk" as a regex?

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