Marc Perkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> I've already made an arrangement with Spamcop to forward the spam
> directly to an account they set up for me. I've sent them over 100,000
> spams and they seem to like what they see. I'm told it will be a live
> feed sometime later today.
> These are the kinds of people who I want to feed spam to. People who
> can extract the right info and add it to popular block lists.

0) The script I posted is for "personal spam" [< 100/day].
   It makes spamcop send netmasters notifications without any *special*
   arrangements with spamcop

1) Could you show us moment when you feed was accepted on the charts

[pl2en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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