On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 12:50:41PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I was hoping to get it out this month, but I think it'll probably be next
> > early month before it's all ready to go.  ie: hopefully a week or two,
> > depending on how much time people have to create/review patches, etc.
> Any word on this?  Same motivations here... :-/

Crap, did I say "early next month (May)" ?  Oops.  Time flies and all of that.

There are still 3 tickets in the 3.1.2 queue.  2 have patches and are waiting
for some more reviews.  1 may be punted to 3.1.3, or else needs a little more
work for a patch.  I'll prod a little on the dev@ list and see if we can't get
this done by next week.

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 "I don't get it. Who was this Ted Danson, and why would you pay $10,000 for
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