On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 01:05:36PM -0700, Jana Nguyen wrote:
> Running the first command test, I get:
> spamassassin --lint command I get:
> [2125] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: 
> use_razor2              0
> [2125] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: 
> use_dcc                 0
> [2125] warn: config: failed to parse, now a plugin, skipping: 
> ok_languages            all

those three plugins are disabled by default.  I'd drop all of those config
lines since they're basically trying to disable the functionality.

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"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it
 helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
 but at the very least you need a beer." - Frank Zappa

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