On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 19:52 -0700, Marc Perkel wrote:
> I'm thinking about using MyDNS to create my own DNS blacklist. I'm 
> thinking I'll make it available to everyone to list IPs that are not on 
> other lists. Mostly virus infected zombies and such.
> So - has anyone else done this? Looking for some pointers. I'm running 
> Exim and wanting to have Exim add IP addresses to the list. I'm also 
> thinking about adding another field that will have an expiration date 
> for the record so as to self clean the list.
> But - I don't want to reinvent everything so if someone is doing this I 
> can use some help. Will share the results.
> Thanks in advance.

I have been using rbldnsd without any problems. Only that it does not
have an expire option 


> Marc Perkel
> Junk Email Filter dot com

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