
I actually have a few other things in my .procmailrc and base my 
decision on the X-SpamStatus-Yes, so this was the quick & dirty.

When I get spam, in addition to dead lettering it, I also forward it to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nice automated process - bury the useless can SPAM mailbox 
with notifications that they are failing miserably).  I think that's 
why I have it exclusive locked.

Unless you think I could release it on that as well?  (Which might 
speed things up just a tiny bit).

> On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 06:53:53AM -0400, Will Nordmeyer wrote:
> > As in:
> > ---
> > SHELL=/bin/sh
> > 
> > :0:
> > * ^X-Spam-Level: ********
> > {
> >         :0
> >         /dev/null
> > }
> > ---
> Just a fwiw:
> :0
> * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
> /dev/null
> - there's no point in locking for writes to /dev/null (oh no, my 
blackhole got
>   corrupted message data!)
> - there's no point in having a block w/ a single target
> - you need to escape the asteriks since they're RE special chars (I 
can't even
>   quite tell what that's going to match...  0 or more spaces, 
followed by 0 or
>   more asteriks, followed by 0 or more asteriks, followed by ... ?)
> :)
> -- 
> Randomly Generated Tagline:
> An apple every eight hours will keep three doctors away.

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