> As you suggest, you will get higher cache hit rates with a
> centralized server, at the cost of some LAN traffic.  But a
> few million DNS queries per day over a LAN is probably
> insignificant.
> Given that the BL zone files are pretty large, I'd recommend a
> centralized server running rbldnsd.  That way you're not using up
> a lot of memory for BLs across many boxes.  rbldnsd is so efficient
> that you could probably just pick some existing server that has
> enough memory and choose it to be your rbldnsd server.  You don't
> need a new box; any old server with enough memory will work.

Will rbldnsd be efficient when I am using dns forwarding for some zones.
For eg we have a local nameserver serving for zones like sbl-
xbl.spamhaus.org. ( This local nameserver is actually a rbldnsd server
running on port 530 )


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