Please send in some examples and output of spamassassin --lint -D. version 
numbers, milter version, sendmail version, configuration files etc. etc. 
You are aware about changes to the operation & configuration of SA3.1.1 and 
3.1.2? Lots of things have changed and this needs to be adjusted in the config. 
This is especially true if you used 2.x version before. Every check is now in 
plugins, that need to be explicitely enabled.


Sent: Fri 09-Jun-06 11:11
Subject: Low scoring since 3.1.1 upgrade

Hi all,

Ever since I upgraded to spamassassin 3.1.1 spam filtering has not been
working properly. In short all spam is assigned a score so low that it
always gets through.

Background info:

*       Everything worked fine prior to upgrade, previous version was
*       Using the spamd method
*       Base OS: redhat linux
*       Manual testing with "spamassassin -D <" results in the same
score as messages getting through spamd
*       I've flushed my bayes DB, didn't make a difference

Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

Thanks in advance,

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