On Thu, 08 Jun 2006, Daryl C. W. O'Shea delivered in simple text monotype:

On 6/7/2006 8:09 PM, Arias Hung wrote:

For the "normal timeouts", it sounds like you might be consistently having a problem with bayes expiry. Although, such a problem isn't normally consistent AND long (time wise) when using spamd. You could try running an "sa-learn --force-expire" to see if it helps.

I tried force-expire, although it didn't seem to do much.  BTW I'm using bayes 
with the mysql plugins as if that makes any difference.
Everything on the mysql end of things is correct, tables created as they 
should, and logging as i expect.

As for the copy_config timeouts... what kind of system load are you seeing. 10, 50, 500, or higher? The current 20 seconds alarm is twice the original alarm timeout, but if you've got a high enough load it could still be a problem. You could increase this value to something practically unusable, like 300, but I'd be really surprised (and would like to about) if the timeout isn't being caused by insane load or excessive swapping.

Actually, with the load at just around 5-6 I'm notcing spam starting to seep 
through.  When my snapshot utility kicks in twice
a day to take snapshots of my filesystem that seems to unleash a the largest torrents of unchecked spam.
So... how much memory do you have in this machine, how much is free, and how much (hopefully none or little) swap is being used. If swap is being used, how much of the spamd processes are being swapped out (check will the system is idle after it's been busy for a bit).

1 gig.  Here's a sample of my free/spam:

# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          1010        982         28          0         94        149
-/+ buffers/cache:        738        272
Swap:         1953        516       1436

My spamc looks as follows: spamc -s 250000 -t 450

Although lately I've begun experimenting with the -x flag with spamc and have discovered the following in my procmail logs:

procmail: Program failure (74) of "/usr/bin/spamc"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Jun  9 08:13:45 2006
 Subject: XXXlXX
Folder: Inbox/new/1149866025.31852_3.radio
The program failure (74) and Rescue unfiltered data lines always preceeds
missed spam going into my Inbox.

This is with the alarm timeout value increased to 40 in spamd as you suggested.

Does this ring any bells?

Thanks for you continued help on this.

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