On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Marc Perkel wrote:
qqqq wrote:

Because I am an SQL dummy, I do have this question. Would aps like Mysql and Postgres be able to handle 10,000+ users with an average of 50 MB of email? I really don't know.
 Also, does the body just get written to a table?

That would be about 500 gigs of email. Fry's Electronics has drives that size on special for $189. So - I'd say yes, should be fairly easy to scale up to that size and beyond.

That seems like a red herring considering 500GB of e-mail
still takes about 500GB of disk space whether it's a database
engine or the kernel's filesystem driver writing it to disk.
Yes, there will be differences in storage efficiency, but
they're minor.

And to answer QQQQ's question, yeah, the body would be written
to a table.  Because when you store things in a SQL database,
everything you store is written into a table.  For what it's
worth, you can store stuff like e-mail in a BLOB (Binary Large
OBject) or a similar type of field that is specifically meant
to be able to handle data of arbitrary length.

  - Logan

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