Mike L wrote:
I am a new user. I am running on Windows 2003.
I have several domains on my servers. I only want one domain on my server to use spam assassin. Where and what do i need to do to only filter for 1 domain on my sever. Is this possible. I would also like to setup wrongmx on this as wel.. Thanks in advance. Mike
You would do this with the tool that calls SA. There are some rules that send the spam to the users, but if you want to bypass SA all together, you'd do this with the tool that is actually calling SpamAssassin (be it spamc/spamd or spamassassin directly.) As far as wrongmx, that was pretty much answered in one of your other threads.

Quoting Daryl:

"Yeah, put the plugin files in your local config directory... that's the same directory that has you local.cf file.

If you want to only enable the WRONG_MX rule for a particular domain, you'll have to configure per user or domain scoring."

I haven't seen any specs on your system, can you post the MTA and how you are calling SpamAssassin? This will help us help you.


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