Do any of you out there run spamassassin on a mail relay or pop/imap server to add the X-Spam headers to all mail that
passes through your gateway?


I use amavisd-new (works best with Postfix). There is only one user, so there is only one user_prefs, so each individual recipient cannot have their own set of custom rules, but they can have a large number of other settings that determine what happens to spam. For example, I prefix the Subject line with Spam> when a message scores over 5.0, send mail that scores at 8.0 to a quarantine and discard mail from that quarantine that scores at 14.0 or higher. X-Spam headers are written on all (incoming) mail. SQL is the best way to go if there are number of differences in the way individuals want their spam handled. Policies are kept in a table, and users are assigned to one of them. The policy can be as granular as each individual, or as broad as the entire system. With SQL each user can also have their own w/b list but these and other settings are usually controlled by the administrator (I find phpmyadmin helpful). There are addon packages like Mailzu that allow individuals to control their own quarantine, or 'plus addressing' that can be used to redirect malware to a different individual mailboxes (among other quarantine options). The advantage to amavisd-new is the fact that the message is only scanned once regardless of the number of recipients, so it saves processing power. It also interfaces to antivirus software, is able to ban files with (what are usually) malicious attachments, and detect mail with malformed headers. Initially amavisd-new and Postfix are relatively simple to set up and there are quite a few HOWTOs out there for that - one location is . Since there are a lot of different ways to go about things, it does get interesting after the initial setup however.

Maia mailguard is based on (an older version of) amavisd-new. It is a quarantine managment system that gives each user a web interface to control some of their most critical settings, their quarantine and their w/b lists. Initially the admininstrator sets domain wide policies, then users are allow to deviate from that as they see fit. When users verify that messages are spam, the spam is also fed to Bayes and reported. False positives are also fed as ham.

Gary V

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