From: "Craig McLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Loren Wilton wrote:
Subject: PayPal Fraud Intention !!! Verify Account & Billing Information !!!
From: " Security Center Department " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Its nice to know that they intend to defraud me.  Maybe I won't bother
playing their game.


Heh, got this one yesterday:

From: "Lazarus Dennis" <redacted>
Subject: bastard

And thought, why's he calling me a bastard? Maybe he knows his crap
isn't going to get through...

Craig, <as she shuffles her feet and holds her sides trying to contain
the laughter> there IS an obvious connection between your domain name
and the subject of the message. Maybe the author thought it was

           ---->>>> Thataway REAL fast -->>>>>>>        {O,o}

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