> I got several reports about warnings in SA versions < 3.1.
> I'm sorry for
> this, I use 3.1.3, which doesn't give any lint warnings for
> that. Some
> hours ago I made an update by shortening the description for these
> rules. So please update via RDJ to get a copy without warnings.
> If somebody wrote me a script to check for these "too long
> descriptions"
> or "too long rule names", I would use it :-)
> Lint output: warning: description for ZMIde_LINKEXCHG2 is
> over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIde_URIWITNET is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANK3 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIde_LINKEXCHG1 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANKURI1 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANK4 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANK1 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIde_LINKEXCHG3 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANKURI3 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANK2 is over 50 chars
> warning: description for ZMIfish_POSTBANKURI2 is over 50 chars
> lint: 11 issues detected.  please rerun with debug enabled for more
> information.

My copy was accidentally not in the update list for a while. It says:
# Current Home: http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/70_zmi_german.cf
But that URL returns a 404 error, and it's not listed at
www.rulesemporium.com anywhere. So... Is there a more current URL for
this ruleset?


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