Dear users,

I am getting reports that the "ifplugin" statements in the ZMI_GERMAN 
ruleset are making lint errors for SA version <2.64, so some people 
seem to use such an old version.

Currently the only use of ifplugin is to find an attachment namen, which contains a virus. Of course I could delete 
that single rule, or use the FULL check (which is not good to use). But 
I would prefer a "straight line" for the ruleset.

I'd like to hear response from you, the users, if I
a) should use "new" features to provide all possible scans for SPAM
b) skip some tests but be compatible with older versions of SA

I would prefer a) and create an extra ZMI_GERMAN_PRE3, but I don't have 
the time nor will to manually delete offending lines all the times, or 
to write a script to automatically do that. Are any SARE script writers 
having some scripts?

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----
// Tel: 0660/4156531                          .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:        "curl -s | gpg --import"
// Fingerprint: 44A3 C1EC B71E C71A B4C2  9AA6 C818 847C 55CB A4EE
// Keyserver:                 Key-ID: 0x55CBA4EE

Attachment: pgpueu1vqaWqq.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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