Thanks!  That's what I was looking for.  I couldn't find it by greping.
It was in the rulesdujour/config file.

Tracey Gates
Lead Developer

1350 South Boulder, Third Floor / Tulsa, OK 74119-3203
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-----Original Message-----
From: Bowie Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: RulesDuJour Summary messages

Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> On Monday June 26 2006 5:17 pm, you wrote:
> > Well that's just it....I don't know where it's getting these.  I
> > don't have SARE_URI2 in my rules_du_jour file to update.  The
> > listing for the "ARE_BAYES_POISON_NXM" is listed as
> > "SARE_BAYES_POISON_NXM".  I can't seem to find a file that contains
> > the URI2 that is not commented out and the POISON spelled wrong.
> >
> > What file could these be in for me to correct these issues?
> /etc/rulesdujour/config?

Actually, it could be any of these:


Or something completely different in a RDJ_CONFIGFILE environment


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