On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 10:50:03AM -0500, Larry Starr wrote:
> I don't believe that it is referring to the Spamassassin Version, but rather 
> the version of "Berekly DB".   Have you updated any packages lately?

Actually it is the SA DB version being referred to.  v2 is for databases
in SA 2.6x, v3 is SA 3.0.x and later.

> > When I run sa-learn --dump or --sync, it tells me the database is
> > version 2.  This machine never ran less than Spamassassin version 3.
> > The --sync will run continueing to try and get a lock on the file
> > forever.  The only related process running was amavisd, killed it.
> > Still couldn't get a lock on the file.

Well, the lock is really a different thing from the DB.  If the files are
local to the machine (ie: not NFS), you may want to switch to "lock_method
flock" which is better, but doesn't work on remote file systems.

> > I then removed bayes.lock* files in the same directory.  Ran sa-learn -D
> > --sync, reported that it was upgrading the database to v3 and completed.
> > When run again it can't get a lock on the file.

It sounds like either you have a lot of contention for the lock, or processes
are being killed before they get the chance to unlock, or ...

I'd try the flock method if you can, that usually clears up a lot of problems.

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