> Although our SA setup works very well in general, one issue that has
> come up a few times recently is airline E-tickets/reservations.

Travel stuff in general seems to be designed specifically to hit as many
spam rules as possible.  *Everything* from Travelocity and Alaska Air get
around 20 points here on average.  Ticket confirmations add more from the
all-caps subjects and the like.

> X-Spam-Score: ***** (5.696) BAYES_99,HTML_30_40,HTML_MESSAGE,NO_REAL_NAME,
>   SARE_OBFU_TBL_03,UPPERCASE_50_75,autolearn=no

In your specific case I'd fix the bayes_99 problem, and that should get you
clean.  There isn't any particular reason I can think of why ticket
confirmations should be getting tagged as spam by Bayes.


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