By the way, Chase, you MAY be bogged down in a misunderstanding. The
system local rules are ALWAYS enabled. Put them into a file with a
name that ends in ".cf" and is in the same directory as the working file. System rules are ALWAYS allowed. Individual user rules
are not. (Rules in the system spamassassin directory apply globally
not per user. You cannot place individual user rules there.)

Individual user rules always go into the user's ".spamassassin" directory
in a file named "user_prefs".

Now, if you are running this on a Windows machine some of the locations
mentioned may be different. Please let folks know and maybe another
person with a Windows installation can help you in more detail.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chase James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Well, I took the allow_user_rules line out. Some of my rules are:

#custom rules
body CSTM_INFINEX_VEN /infinex/
describe CSTM_INFINEX_VEN Message mentions Infinex Ventures

body CSTM_FONT_SIZE_EQLS_2 /<td><font size\=2>/
describe CSTM_FONT_SIZE_EQLS_2 Message contains html for small fonts

header CSTM_SBJCT_MARKEDSPAM Subject =~ /\bSPAM:\b/i
describe CSTM_SBJCT_MARKEDSPAM Message has the word SPAM in subject

body CSTM_ORGASM /orgasm/
describe CSTM_ORGASM Message contains the word orgasm
score CSTM_ORGASM 2.0

When I grep my rejectlog for mentions of CSTM, nothing comes up. But I'm
still getting spam with these attributes. Thanks for your help.

- Chase

-----Original Message-----
From: Theo Van Dinter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, Jun 29, 2006 at 04:54:13PM -0400, Chase James wrote:
The first site rules file loaded is init.pre, the last file loaded,

debug: using "/etc/spamassassin" for site rules dir
debug: config: read file /etc/spamassassin/

But it seems like its being read. Should I put the rules in init.pre? I
enabled allow_user_rules and restarted spamd, but that doesn't seem to

Well, it's not clear what you're trying to do.  allow_user_rules lets users
have rules in their ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file.  If you're not using
that, don't turn the function on!

*.pre files are mainly for loading plugins which needs to occur before any
rule processing.  Don't put rules in there.

Can you define "doesn't seem to have worked"?  If the file is read,
and --lint
shows no errors, your rules are being used.  Whether or not the match the
input message is a different question...

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