Jerry Bell wrote:
> I'm running 3.1.3 on a FreeBSD server.  I just found out about
> sa-update which looks like a great tool.  My question is this:  how
> can I take advantage of the updated configs?  The problem that I see
> is that Freebsd uses completely non standard directories for
> everything, so I don't have much confidence that the updates are
> being picked up.  I added "include
> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.001003/" to

Don't do that.

> How can I tell that those files are actually being
> included?  I added "include xxxxx" to the end of
>, and there were no errors.  The files
> referenced in are relative to
> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.001003, but I'm not seeing where spamassassin
> would know to look in that directory based on some "path" style
> setting.  

You don't need to include the directory.  SA will automatically use it
if it exists.  Run SA in debug mode to see which directory it uses.

spamassassin -D config --lint


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