Yes, I was thinking of that. There are a few things on this server
that need an update most notably a 2.6 kernel. Trouble is it's a
server & it's my business. I will build up another machine & swop

Many thanks


On Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:28:58 -0400 
Bowie Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steve Downes wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I'm using spamassassin v 3.03 perl 5.8.4 as supplied with Debian
> > stable in conjuction with a postfix-procmail-dovecot setup.
> > 
> > It is picking up about 20% of receives spam & the general setup
> > (procmail etc) appears to be OK. I am getting error messages in syslog
> > of which the example below is typical. I have looked at the locations
> > given in the error messages & I'm afraid they are beyond my simple
> > brain. Can anybody give me any pointers please?
> I can't help much with the error messages.  They are Perl runtime
> errors and seem to indicate that your install is screwed up in some
> manner.
> I can give you a couple of general suggestions.
> 1) Install a newer version of SA.  The current version is 3.1.3.  You
>    can either build the current version yourself, get it from CPAN, or
>    get a newer version from debian-unstable.  Spam is changing
>    constantly.  As with a virus checker, it is important to keep your
>    SA installation up to date.  Whichever update method you choose,
>    you should probably remove your current version first.  This will
>    avoid have a double installation which can cause some REALLY
>    frustrating problems.  It will also help avoid migrating your
>    current problems to the new install.
> 2) Enable URIDNSBL, Razor2, and DCC.  These network tests will
>    dramatically increase the effectiveness of SA.
> 3) Install some rules from  These rules fill in
>    some gaps in the default rules.
> -- 
> Bowie

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