On 5-Jul-06, at 3:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know of a vendor that sells boxes with SpamAssassin pre-installed, with a pretty GUI with quarantine ability? (My company won't allow home-brewed solutions, as they want a vendor to call if I get hit by a spam bus).

Burton Windle                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mac OS X Server 10.4.x comes with Postfix-Cyrus-Amavis-Spamassassin-ClamAV-SquirrelMail-Mailman pre-installed with a nice GUI to configure the basic settings. More advanced settings are still done through config files at the command line.

Mac OS X Server web page: http://www.apple.com/server/macosx/
Info about mail services (includes a look at the spam and virus configuration panel): http://www.apple.com/server/macosx/features/mailservices.html

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6

T: 416-247-7740
F: 416-247-7503

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