Heute (06.07.2006/01:20 Uhr) schrieb Matt Kettler,

>> Problem 3: mkdir /root/.spamassassin: Toegang geweigerd at
>> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm line 1486
> Care to translate "Toegang geweigerd"? I don't speak Dutch.

;) Access/Permission denied or so

> That said, it looks like it's still trying to access
> /root/.spamassassin, despite running as spambucket.

> What's spambucket's home dir in /etc/passwd? Does this user have a
> /home/spambucket, and is it correctly mentioned in the passwd config?
> Do you have a bayes_path statement in any of your config files?

>> Problem 4: mkdir locker: safe_lock: cannot create tmp lockfile
>> /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock.ProdecoBoy.3525 for
>> /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: Toegang geweigerd
>> Problem 5: etc... etc..

> Repeats of 3..

Viele Gruesse, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
 ICQ #277289867
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