On 01:51 Thu 06 Jul     , Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> Removing mail.gmx.net from your trusted networks will work.  Of course 
> you can only do that if both and don't 
> appear in mail relayed via your (or gmx.net's) MXes.

I tried both, mail.gmx.net in trusted networks and not in trusted
network. The result is exactly the same. You are right if the
scenario is:

dialup sender --> mail.gmx.net --> myprovider.com --> fetchmail

because then X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted will contain an aditional
record for mail.gmx.net relaying the mail to myprovider.com,
HELO_DYNAMICs don't match.

But with

dialup sender --> mail.gmx.net --> fetchmail

there is only one record in X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted, and therefore
the HELO_DYNAMICs will match.

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