On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 12:13:22PM +0100, Chris Lear wrote:
> >Does anybody know a good way to script sa-learn to daily check on junk 
> >e-mail folders? i'm currently trying the following line in a cron.daily 
> >script, but its throwing up an error:
> >
> >find /home/vpopmail/domains -name ".Junk E-mail" -exec  sa-learn 
> >--showdots --spam cur {} \;
> Your --exec subcommand is the problem. The {} expands to the full path 
> of the found file. It doesn't change directory. A version that might work is

A bigger problem imo is that the file/path you're looking for contains
a space, and {} doesn't quote that for you.  It may be as easy as just
putting single or double quotes around (see the find man page), but may
involve something more complicated ala:

find /home/vpopmail/domains -name ".Junk E-mail" -print0 | \
xargs -0 sa-learn --showdots --spam

or however you want to deal with it.

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