On Wed, July 12, 2006 11:53, Tom Brown wrote:

>> Im working in rethad 9.0 and try to install spamassassin in a good way
> why redhat 9?

why redhat at all ? :-)

>> How can i fix this problem?
> use a more upto date OS ??

70 million people still use windows 98, now microsoft stops supporting
secuirity updates to it, this might get 70 millon people to join the fun of
windows xp ?

if windows 98 still does the job for 70 million people why change then ?

the same was a fault from redhat to say we don't like to support older redhat
relases, since we now need to donwload a iso file again to upgrade what could
have being done from up2date ?

think about it :-)))


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