jdow writes:
> From: "Alexander Piavka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Sat, 15 Jul 2006, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
> > 
> >> On Tuesday 11 July 2006 23:16, Alexander Piavka took the opportunity to 
> >> write:
> >> >  Hi ,  i'd like to know if its possbile and how, to ignore specific rule
> >> > scores (like ALL_TRUSTED) then calculating the autolearn threshold for
> >> > spam and ham?
> >>
> >> "Like" ALL_TRUSTED, eh? If you have a problem with ALL_TRUSTED you likely 
> >> have
> >> a bad trusted_networks setting. Adding a host to trusted_networks means 
> >> that
> >> you trust it not to forge headers and not to originate spam, meaning that 
> >> if
> >> ALL_TRUSTED fires then the message *should* definitely be ham, otherwise 
> >> your
> >> assumption that the host can be trusted is wrong.
> > 
> > No i've no problem with ALL_TRUSTED , it's just i thoght it's not a good
> > idea to learn every mail from trusted networks as ham, i wanted to make a
> > bayes autolearn independent of the sending source and thus ignore 
> > and some more tests. Since this way bayes would learn from much more ham
> > messages than spam messages,esspecialy since most spam messages we get are
> > the same. Thus i thougth since the bayes databese size is limited it
> > should have learn from at least as much spam mail as ham, to have more
> > spam mails detected by bayes.
> > But probably i'm wrong or not?
> One might say two things. The first is a startled "Well duh!" The second
> is, "if you have ALL_TRUSTED" appear as a rule hit on every message then
> you're being silly.
> ALL_TRUSTED does not mean a damn thing with respect to whether a message
> is ham or spam. It just says that the received headers are likely to be
> accurate in as much as "you" or a "trusted agent" oversees the header
> generation.

um, no, ALL_TRUSTED means that all of the hosts that relayed the mail were
trusted -- including the very first, originating host.
This should not happen unless you list a spammer's machine in


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