Claudia Burman wrote:
Gary V wrote:

I use spamassassin (last perl version, updated it last week) on a mail
server, called from amavisd-new. I've set the $sa_kill_level_deflt to
5.00, if I lower this I get too many false positives.
I haven't touched any of the rules. I regularly train the bayesian filter
with false negative messages. I'm using local tests only.

Claudia Burman

Why are you using local tests only?

Gary V

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Well, I have enabled network tests and the server load got too high, so I disabled razor and pyzor. Now server load is acceptable and spam caught is about 95%!
Thanks to all.


For what it's worth on my system far less than 1% of spam gets through.

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