John Andersen wrote:
On Tuesday 18 July 2006 12:30, Brian Read wrote:
Since 3.1.3 I get this error on a call to sa-learn

Learning Spammail:
Q3M149088.bjsserver\:2,Sbayes: expire_old_tokens: locker: safe_lock: cannot
create lockfile
/var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/bayes.mutex: Permission deniedbayes:
locker: safe_lock: cannot create lockfile
/var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/bayes.mutex: Permission denied
Result of sa-learn: Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (1 message(s)

This is the code that calls sa-learn:

my $result = `su - $key -c "/usr/bin/sa-learn --spam $filetolearn"`;

where (I guess) $key is the username.  I didn't write this.

It worked fine for months on 3.1.2 and 3.1.1 and for a while on 3.1.3!

Any ideas?

Are you doing this on a per-message basis, or a per-folder basis?

per message

Also is that LearnAsSpam folder really hidden?

yes, it is an imap folder

What happens if you run that sa-learn command manually?  Does that work?

same error, logged in as root. (perl script is run from crond as root)

I see that the bayes.mutex is spamd:spamd and the permissions are:



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