On Wed, August 2, 2006 17:51, David Cary Hart wrote:

> EXPERIMENTALLY, I have added "world.tqmcube.com" as a zone which is
> obviously not included in the composite. This returns a text record
> of the country of origin.


> For example - with linux:
> #dig +short -t txt
> will return "United States".

nice, but is it for mta or spamassassinn ?

if its for mta, why need to tell the country of the ip ?

if its for spamassassin it will be to much dns lookups for things that can be
added to dnsbl.tqmcube.com as a subtest with seperate results

you allready have ko and prc as example

PS: for my test of the dnsbl zone its none false positive or negative here so 


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