On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 10:19:44AM +0100, Nigel Frankcom wrote:
> channel: attempt to rm channel pre file failed, attempting to continue
> anyway at /usr/bin/sa-update line 694
> --lint -D shows no errors, just wondering if I should be concerned?

Hrm.  Well, it's one of those "features" as opposed to a bug
(though I'd appreciate it if you could open a BZ ticket about it:
http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/).  In short, there's no problem --
it'll happen the first time you run sa-update in 3.1.4 and you're using
updatedir to aim at a non-standard (and already existing) location.

The code assumes that certain files should exist if the update directory
already exists, so when it tries to delete the files and they're not
there, it shows a warning -- but if this is the first time sa-update
from 3.1.4 is run, the channel pre file won't exist.

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