On Friday 04 August 2006 02:07, Bill Maidment wrote:
> John Andersen wrote:
> > On Friday 04 August 2006 00:57, Bill Maidment wrote:
> >> Hi
> >> I've got a similar problem. I've just moved from a 32 bit AMD to a 64
> >> bit AMD for my external mail server and now the rbls don't trigger. I'm
> >> not using -L as the following from ps shows.
> >> 27386 ?        Ss     0:05 /usr/bin/spamd -d -q -x -m5 -H -r
> >> /var/run/spamd.pid
> >
> > spamassassin --lint --debug
> >
> > And read it carefully where it starts mentioning razor2 and
> > spamcop etc.
> >
> > A
> Thanks. I've done that (see attached). I'm not running razor and nothing
> else seems to jump out at me. Any more ideas?

Your attachment was stripped.  But Its late and I don't have time
now anyway.

Check into the bits about Net::DNS, etc.

BTW:  You should use razor.  Its so accurate, that you can score it 5, and
not worry.  It catches quite a bit.  It misses some too, but the other rules 
get those.  Razor helped me a lot.

John Andersen

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