Hi, I am wondering whether using HTML_MESSAGE makes any sense.
Nearly 60% of the mails on my servers hit that rule, and the HAM-SPAM
ratio for this rule is about 50:50.
Okay, it only adds 0.001 points but uses resources, right?

MIME_HTML_ONLY and HTML_FONT_BIG have a pretty bad ratio, too.
Even HTML_80_90 and HTML_90_100 hit more HAM than SPAM. :-(

For comparison here are my stats for the last 5 days:

Email:    95012  Autolearn: 51794  AvgScore:  13.70  AvgScanTime:  7.52 sec
Spam:     76854  Autolearn: 42199  AvgScore:  18.28  AvgScanTime:  7.42 sec
Ham:      18158  Autolearn:  9595  AvgScore:  -5.68  AvgScanTime:  7.94 sec

Time Spent Running SA:       198.45 hours
Time Spent Processing Spam:  158.39 hours
Time Spent Processing Ham:    40.06 hours

RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM        
   1    BAYES_99                        71312    76.00   92.79    4.95
   2    RAZOR2_CHECK                    53214    57.33   69.24    6.92
   3    RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100          52140    55.81   67.84    4.88
   4    HTML_MESSAGE                    45946    58.05   59.78   50.72
   5    URIBL_OB_SURBL                  39579    41.89   51.50    1.23
   6    URIBL_SBL                       37831    39.93   49.22    0.58
   7    URIBL_SC_SURBL                  35098    36.97   45.67    0.18
   8    RCVD_IN_XBL                     34055    35.88   44.31    0.21
   9    RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL               33438    35.32   43.51    0.66
  10    RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET          30445    32.45   39.61    2.14
  11    URIBL_WS_SURBL                  29773    31.60   38.74    1.39
  12    RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL               26359    27.92   34.30    0.95
  13    URIBL_AB_SURBL                  20267    21.36   26.37    0.13
  14    DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06            12947    14.09   16.85    2.40
  15    MIME_HTML_ONLY                  11028    14.06   14.35   12.85
  16    FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK               9824    10.38   12.78    0.21
  17    MIME_QP_LONG_LINE                8970    10.23   11.67    4.14
  18    INLINE_IMAGE                     8778     9.62   11.42    1.99
  19    HTML_FONT_BIG                    8614    10.69   11.21    8.48
  20    HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_08              7049     8.00    9.17    3.05

RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM        
   1    BAYES_00                        14625    15.77    0.47   80.54
   2    AWL                             10677    14.30    3.79   58.80
   3    HTML_MESSAGE                     9210    58.05   59.78   50.72
   4    SPF_HELO_PASS                    3615     4.60    0.99   19.91
   5    NO_REAL_NAME                     3600     4.72    1.16   19.83
   6    MIME_HTML_ONLY                   2334    14.06   14.35   12.85
   7    HTML_80_90                       2039     7.16    6.20   11.23
   8    HTML_FONT_BIG                    1539    10.69   11.21    8.48
   9    HTML_TAG_EXIST_TBODY             1303     1.88    0.63    7.18
  10    BAYES_50                         1298     3.53    2.67    7.15
  11    HTML_90_100                      1287     4.75    4.19    7.09
  12    RAZOR2_CHECK                     1257    57.33   69.24    6.92
  13    BAYES_99                          899    76.00   92.79    4.95
  14    HTML_WEB_BUGS                     897     1.05    0.13    4.94
  15    RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100            886    55.81   67.84    4.88
  16    HTML_50_60                        758     4.56    4.65    4.17
  17    MIME_QP_LONG_LINE                 752    10.23   11.67    4.14
  18    HTML_NONELEMENT_00_10             735     1.03    0.32    4.05
  19    HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_06               684     7.17    7.98    3.77
  20    URI_REDIRECTOR                    657     0.78    0.11    3.62


 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up
 in the morning, and does not stop until you get to work.

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