On Monday 07 August 2006 00:02, QQQQ wrote:
> | 2250 0733.com

> Here are my numbers from last week:
>    5006 0451.com
>    3845 53.com

Not seeing anywhere near as high, but this is only on my personal server:
44    0733.com
34    0451.com
11    0668.com
4     023.com
2     08.com
2     020.com
1     212.com
1     07770500.com
1     01191.com
1     004.com

However, the majority are already being rejected with my standard rules in 
Postfix (like don't accept mail from certain netblocks).  I would have sworn 
there used to be a domain registration rule that said pure-numeric domains 
were illegal, but I'm not sure.

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