decoder wrote:
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Hello there,

I have improved the original OcrPlugin (found at, so it contains fuzzy
matching. Like that, mistakes made by the OCR recognition or
intentional obfuscations in the text don't make the recognition
impossible. This is being done with a relative distance calculation
between the pattern (word from a given word list) and a line in the
recognized input. Also, the plugin uses dynamic scoring (more matched
words means more score, this can be adjusted in the source).

You can find a full description and an example in the wiki under:

Ideas for improvements or critics are always welcome :)

Could this plugin be extended to support png images?
I receive quite a few of them...
I guess it's probably just a line or two in addition to the jpg and gif
Also might it be a good idea not to trust the content-type but instead use file or another 'detection utility'? As mentioned on the original ocrplugin page - gif2pnm and jpg2pnm have been abandoned because of sometimes wrong content types....?


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