On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Bret Miller wrote:
I'm not exactly sure
what the thinking was in moving the updates to /var/lib instead of
keeping them with /usr/share with the original rules. I wonder why
sa-update doesn't just create a version folder under /share/spamassassin
and use that...

Because it's bad form, at least according to some people,
to write mutable data into the software install directory.

This isn't as common as it used to be, but at one time,
some people would mount /usr as a separate filesystem and
make it read-only.  Since all the data was written into /var,
there was no reason for /usr to be read-write if you weren't
installing or updating software.

Similarly, some sites have a great big shared /usr/local that is
NFS-mounted across many machines.  The clients aren't supposed
to write there because they don't own it and could potentially
screw it up for other systems sharing the same /usr/local.
In fact, in some cases, /usr/local can be mounted from any
one of several servers and updated copies are pushed from the
master /usr/local to the other servers' /usr/local.

The general idea is that software and its data should be
separated so that you can run multiple instances of the software
without having multiple copies of the constant parts of it or
so that you can put one in a read-only location and the other
in a read-write location.

Now, is this directly applicable to SpamAssassin?  Well, on
a dedicated mail server that uses SpamAssassin as a plugin,
it's probably not.  You are going to have exactly one set of
rules and exactly one SA install.  But one could envision
several users on a machine sharing the same install of it.
Maybe the users all fetch mail from other servers and run their
own instances of SpamAssassin through procmail or something.

Also, even if it isn't relevant for SpamAssassin in particular,
it's part of the idiom for installing software on Unix in
general, so it is might be logical to install it that way just
for the sake of consistency.

  - Logan

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