man spamassassin is the key to the whole thing beyond the INSTALL files.

Then you have things like "man Mail::SpamAssassin" and its kith and kin
like "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf". These will generally be more up to
date than any documentation file that exists. And of course the original
man spamassassin results point to some of the other that are important.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Jeltsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I was kind of shocked when I discovered that there is no SpamAssassin manual
or tutorial.  For me, it's unimaginable that the world's leading open source
spam detection software is missing such an important piece of documentation.

The wiki pages are more bits and pieces than a coherent documentation and
often don't explain things in principal but give you finished configuration
files for procmail & Co.  But what if I don't use procmail?  (I use Courier

At the moment, I run spamassassin with no arguments as an ordinary user on
every message I receive and decied what to do with the message accoring to
the X-Spam-Flag: header line.  But I have some problems with this.

First, SpamAssassin seems to do autolearning.  What does this mean?  Does it
learn that messages which it already considers spam are spam, and messages
which it already considers ham are ham?  Wouldn't this mean that SpamAssassin
is just doing self-affirmation?

Second, I often have a message of the following form in my mail log:

courierlocal: […] Cannot open bayes databases
/home/wolfgang/.spamassassin/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: File exists

What's the problem here, and how can I get rid of it?

I'm using SpamAssassin 3.0.3 on Debian GNU/Linux 3.1.

Thanks for you help.

Best wishes,

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