On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 10:27 +0200, Bjorn Jensen wrote:
> Can spamassassin benefit in any way from a ramdisk ?
> The server we have for spamassassin, has 3 gigs of ram, and spamd 
> doesn't even use 1 gig of that, so I thought perhaps it would speed 
> things up if I could place something on a ramdisk. But this leads to the 
> question, does spamassassin do any disk intensive things ?
> I'm running that gocr image scanning as well, could this benefit from 
> it, or is it the network lookups that are the slow part in any case ?
> Currently a mail is processed in about 1.5 - 6 seconds
> regards,
> Bjorn Jensen

Can you get your MTA to write in the ramdisk while it is queing/scanning
the mail. That is where you will get most of your speed. But this may
not be a safe option always. 

Typically using scanners like Mailscanner , you could do the actual Mail
scanning when the mail is on the ramdisk. That gives you good
performance benefit. 


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