My Log File is filling up with this error message

warning: connect to transport spamassassin: Connection refused

This is after I installed amavis

I had previously had spamassassin working perfectly
I have a working installation but I am getting this warning.
Spamassassin via amavis is working I think this is just left over from the
stand alone solution

Any help?


This is a postfix question. Assuming postfix settings reside in /etc/postfix, start with

grep spamassassin /etc/postfix/*
grep amavis /etc/postfix/*

and show the results - so we get an idea of what you have set up.

If you have changed transports and have old mail trying to use a transport that is no longer available, do:

postsuper -R all

to requeue the mail, then wait a few minutes (or more) for mail to process, then stop and start postfix (not reload)

Gary V

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