From: "John Rudd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Aug 10, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Marc Perkel wrote:

I've been blocking a lot of spam at connect time that I am 100% sure is spam. However I'm wondering if that is the best idea because it gives spammers feedback as to what works and what doesn't. If I silently absorb the spam and let the spammers think it's delivered then they have no way to know if the spam is getting through or not.


My thought is: silently deleting email (spam, virus, etc.) a violation of RFCs, and I'm not interested in doing that. I'm more interested in correctly handling the false positives than what happens with true positives (I know, you said you're 100% sure it's spam, but I don't believe in such a thing as automated detection of spam that results in a 100% confidence value). So, the next generation anti-spam mechanism I'm working on for work will reject spam during the SMTP session with a 5xx code. I'm planning on rejecting at a score of 10.

This means that if it's a directly attached spam zombie, it will just disappear ... but in a way that doesn't make me an RFC violator. If it's a false-positive, then the sender will know that their mail disappeared.

If it's being submitted by an intermediate relay (such as the spam-zombie's ISP's mail server), then it may get bounced back to an innocent third party. But I don't consider that to be _my_ fault/responsibility. I consider that to be the fault/responsibility

If I receive a message in my mailbox from a site bouncing email I did
not send I place that ENTIRE ISP on my /dev/null list or not.
It simply turns YOU into a spam relay. If you simply reject it that's
a somewhat different ballgame.

of the intermediate relay for not having spam-scanned and rejected the message themselves. By not accepting the message, I am not accepting responsibility for the message's fate, either. If I were to accept the message, THEN it becomes my responsibility to ensure that the message doesn't disappear nor get bounced back to an innocent third party.

It is not the intermediate relay job to spam scan. Its job is to
forward HUGE amounts of email to its proper destination. If it has to
filter as well then the problem magnifies exponentially.


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