
I have installed MailScanner (4.55.10-3) on a solaris 10 (x86) box.
MailScanner is using SpamAssassin 3.1.4

I'm also using postfix and MailScanner is running as the user postfix.

MailScanner, in debugging mode, is going fine.
When I run spamassassin -D --lint (as user postfix) all is going fine too.

But when I launch MailScanner in "normal" mode (with fork), the call to

$self->do_full_eval_tests($priority, \$fulltext);

never finish;

In MailScanner, we have

$MailScanner::SA::SAspamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin(\%settings);

That's this last call which never finish except if the line
$self->do_full_eval_tests($priority, \$fulltext);
is commented.

Everything is going fine with the same config on a linux box or on a solaris 9 sparc box

Any idea ?


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