Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
On 8/13/2006 4:49 PM, DAve wrote:
Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

Hello all,

For those of you interested in SpamAssassin's sa-update, I've created
sa-update channels for all of the rules found at the SpamAssassin Rules
Emporium website (http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules.htm).

Ya stole my thunder. I just came in from running a chainsaw all day and was beginning to work on that again. If you are interested, I'd be happy to mirror for you.

Sorry about that.  I've actually had this running for about a month and
I got all my chainsaw work done last week while waiting five days for
power to be restored.  I wanted to fully test it and talk to some of the
folks from SARE before I made it public.

Chainsaws, couldn't live without 'em. I hope all you lost were trees.

Judging on the traffic stats I was provided with, I think I should be
able to handle the traffic for a while anyway.  I do plan on writing
some code to efficiently update channel mirrors in a timely manner
though, so once that's done I'll be sure to let you know.

Two things I saw, maybe you covered them, maybe you don't care.

One, I had two URL vars in my script. A URL hitting my site so I could download rules as often as I wanted, and another URL that hit rulesemporium. Use the wrong URL too often and you get the following instead of a rules file,

AUTOBAN: Over 500 *.cf requests in 48 hours period - Check your CRON

So checking for updates too often can cause you to create a big pile of channel files that will not lint. Sorry Chris, I was trying to do laundry and code at the same time. I knew better too, which was why I had two URLs in the script.

Covered, thanks for pointing it out though.

Two, the GPG key really only says the rules are valid from your server, it doesn't guarantee the rules are valid SARE rules. Not sure how to handle that, or if users/authors will even care. Possibly authors would be willing to tar, gzip, and sign their rules if they were provided an upload facility.

I suppose they could.  It'd be a little more work for the channel users
though, having to import each key and include them in a trusted gpgkey
file.  Additionally it would require documentation to be updated for
every new ruleset, saying what key it uses.

We were thinking of going another way with that. We didn't consider the possibility of providing the author's key. Good point, we will make sure we don't.

I think that I'm familiar enough with a lot of SA users that it won't be
an issue (heck, I could post crappy rules to the users' list that a lot
of people would probably blindly use).  Of course, I'd listen to
anyone's concerns otherwise.

Also, FWIW, I won't be modifying the rulesets.  Even the
70_sare_whitelist_spf.cf file that currently can't be updated (the
channel update will fail) since the file doesn't pass a --lint test if
the SPF plugin isn't enabled.  I've sent mail to Bob about this.  I'm
hoping that he adds the missing ifplugin lines soon.  See SA bug 5044.

Just some thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to do this, I think it will be welcomed once the word gets out.

No problem.  Thanks for the comments.

We might start using your channel until we get ours working the way we want:^) Possibly instead of mirroring you, we could go ahead and offer a full set of files providing two independent sources. Just for availabilities sake.


PS. If I could have any plugin for SA, it would be a Snopes plugin. Scan my inbox, check the message against snopes and score accordingly. I don't need another story sent to me by family about people bolting JATO packs to their cars or David Bowie and Mick Jagger sleeping together.

Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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