On 8/14/2006 6:45 PM, Xepher wrote:
I've got a server configured with postfix and spamassassin. The
mailserver is the only one for the domain, and thus receives mail from
other servers, as well as letting users connect directly (with smtp
auth) to send mail. Everything works fine, EXCEPT when users send email
to each other. In those cases, the emails get tagged both by SPF_FAIL
and RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL as those tests see the email as coming from the
user's personal IP address. I've tried
whitelist_from_spf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in local.cf, but it doesn't work. Messages still get tagged with
SPF_FAIL. I didn't see any similar option for the RBL stuff. Is there
any way to do conditional tests, such that SMTP Auth messages get
whitelisted? I don't know if there's a way in postfix to add a header
only to auth connections? All I could find for postfix was address
rewriting stuff, nothing about conditional situations like an
authenticated user.
Any help would be appreciated, as I'd really rather not disable SPF and
RBL completely.

Yeah I have that problem as well, who doesn't. ;-)

In the short term I just whitelisted the domains that the server is responsible for in local.cf so that all my users would automatically get a -100 added to their score when they send mail. This will nullify any scores added due to SPF and DUL.

whitelist_from          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The drawback to this is that someone can spam you by forging your own domain but if your domain is protected by something like SPF then there is no worry of that.

If you are running Postfix > v2.3 you might want to look at this page http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DynablockIssues under the heading 'I'm an ISP, and mails from our customers, using authenticated connections from another ISP, are hitting RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK.'

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6

T: 416-247-7740
F: 416-247-7503

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