Ryan Steele wrote:

In the user's .procmailrc file, there is this stanza:

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
| /usr/bin/spamc -u username -s 128000

But, I have had this problem occur arbitrarily when no -u username is specified. I think by the time Exim4 gets to the .procmailrc, it has already dropped privileges, so spamc would get called as that user from the user's .procmailrc file. But regardless, sometimes spamd can drop privileges, and sometimes it can't... a ratio of about 1:400 for can't/can. So, I'm not sure if that indicates some sort of problem external to spamd or not? I've seen other reports of this around, but no solutions. Hope this extra information helps, let me know if you need any additional info!

A failure of your system's auth backend could cause this. Are you using something other than flat file /etc/passwd and /etc/group?


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